Prowler Productions
Dink Smallwood Forum Creating Quests |
Author | Topic: Creating Quests |
Ibis |
posted 07-25- 07:25 PM CT (US)
Hi, Iīm kinda new to the world of DMOD-ing and I need help with the usage of "&whatever_quest and variables. I donīt have any experience in c/c++, but I learn from the .c-files. I have this quest : Dink is married and wakes up one morning and feel a urge for a sword, he asks his wife (only created in the house if "wife_quest" is 0) for money, gets 400, buys the sword, ībut when he gets home his wife is gone (I added "&wife_quest = 1;" after the "add_item("item-sw1",438, 7);". (I have been thinking of adding a letter from the kidnappers telling dink what to do, no problem) But I want something similar like when dink goes to the farm (4 pillbugs, 1 strong and talking)in real dink to happen on the place his wife is being held, couldnīt make anythig out of the.c-files to the farmer_quest , I have no idea how they got the faster pillbug to talk, thatīs what I want Anyone that understands what i mean? answer my topic or: Mail norrfjolsta@mail.bip.net ICQ: 41960331 /Ibis |
Ibis |
posted 07-25- 08:35 PM CT (US)
The farm Iīm talking about is Mr Smilsteinīs farm, forgot the nameī(thanks to "-=Dark)^(olf=-" for reminding īme) |
Gerben |
posted 07-26- 01:57 AM CT (US)
I have emailed you a script that should be what you need. |
Ibis |
posted 07-27- 06:42 PM CT (US)
Thans, that really helped me! |
Gerben |
posted 07-28- 06:05 AM CT (US)
No problem. By the way I know you can wake up with an erection, but I've never heard of waking up with the urge for a sword :-) Just kidding |
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