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  shooting range

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Author Topic:   shooting range
joshriot posted 07-16- 12:42 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for joshriot   Click Here to Email joshriot  
in my d-mod im making a shooting range to practice bow, axe, magic etc. and i want to make it 5 screens long. after you beat one screen you go to the next. at the end im gonna put a prize for beating it. the problem is i need to know how to prevent the player from just going all the way to the end without accually beating the range. i tried using screne lock but the way i have the range setup, if you shoot the wrong sprite it will block your shots to make it really hard to beat from then on, making it easy to get stuck with th screen lock so all you can do is restart the game. is there anyway to lock just one direction for instance only east is blocked but west is not? if anyone knows what i can do i could really use your help. thanks -josh
FF4LIFE posted 07-16- 08:12 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
Well, there are quite a few things you can do that I have done in my game. You could have screen lock on, and make it so if you fail it teleports you back to the beginning. Or you could put a wall at the end you can't walk through but when you hit the right target it moves aside.
Gerben posted 07-17- 06:34 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
I agree with ff4life, I would make the target script create the door. Then you can make the target sprite remove the blocking sprite by putting it in the void die(void) bit. Ther is probably a better way to do it, since I'm not the most efficient of programmers. But you've got quite a few options. You can even generate two teleporters. One that brings you back to the start of the archery course and one that cecks if the target is dead and then teleports you to the next level.
Gerben posted 07-17- 06:51 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
One more thought. If you use the two teleporters, you can teleport dink to the same screen, only with a different vision setting, this will save you a great deal of time, because you don't have to draw the whole room again, you just have to redraw the relevant sprites.

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