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Author Topic:   Moving dink
Gerben posted 07-12- 02:14 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben   Click Here to Email Gerben  
I'm back. I'm trying to move dink around and I know how to do it. By using move_stop and sp_dir, but I don't know what the variables behind them do. I've tried to change them to see what happens, but sometimes Dink hangs and I have to restart. Can someone explain the variables to me? I couldn't find it in any of the help files I have. Thanks!
Nexis posted 07-13- 05:35 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Nexis  Click Here to Email Nexis     
I think the dinkc.txt explains the command very well...not sure about the help file that Robert Fogt released though.

Anyways, here's the lines from the dinkc.txt

move_stop(int sprite, int direction, int destination, int nohard);

move_stop(int sprite, int direction, int destination, int nohard);

same as above but stops script until the sprite has met the destination
use carefully, if the sprite hits something, it will NEVER get to the
destination and therby the script will never be finished. Won't cause
a game crash or anything though.

int sp_dir(int sprite, int value (-1 to not change));

Direction of sprite. If this is set, the sprite will face in this
direction. (based on what is in sp_base_walk) If a speed is set, it
will be moving in this direction.

So basically with move_stop the first parameter is the sprite number, the second is the direction according to the keypad, the third is the x or y destination coordinate, and the last determines whether the sprite will stop if it hits something hard.

With sp_dir() the first parameter is the sprite number and the second is the direction according to the keypad.

Gerben posted 07-13- 08:37 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
I'm using the dinkc.txt file now, it's a lot of help! Now I know what i was doing wrong. I took the x coordinate for the number of pixels I wanted to move, not the place I wanted to move to! Now I understand. Thanks.

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