Topic: differnt screens no 2
kfa_2000 |
posted 06-30- 06:11 PM CT (US)
ok i took advice from Gurben and loaded up Sceleton D-mod...but it said "FILE DINKEDIT NO FOUND YOU NEED THE FULL GAME" but i have got the full game. p.s Nexis your advise was crap
posted 07-01- 11:00 PM CT (US)
never mind
posted 07-05- 02:47 AM CT (US)
To start dinkedit, find out where it is located in your directory. It's the file dinkedit.exe. To start the skeleton dmod, copy the dinkedit.exe file to the directory that contains the skeleton dmod directory. It should be there in the first place. Now type dinkedit -game skeleton ((The name of the skeleton dmod directory)) in a dosprompt. !OR! copy the dinkedit.exe into your skeleton dmod directory and just start dinkedit.exe from windows. It should work, good luck. |