posted 06-22- 04:47 AM CT (US)
Quest for cheese doesn't work for me either. You can always try starting the dmod from a dos prompt. dink -game [Name of dmod dir]Dink doppelganger
Mmmm, still a long way to go.....
Have you talked to the shopkeeper ? he wants a worm and a tooth. You get 100 each for these. 400 + 100 + 100 = 600 :-)
You need to find the disk. It's under one of the poles on the long bridge to the south. Just push them all to find the right one.
Two more tips, 'cause I couldn't solve them. The bridge keeper wants a fish also. Get it from a well end fry it in a fire. He will give you the net to catch the wurm.
Use one of the disks on the back of one of the spaceships to get a music box to give to the captain.
You'll figure out what I mean when you get there.
Treasure Island.
If you put the head in the machine, they should start to glow when you push or use them. Now you have to make them light up in a special order.
I can't remember which one. Just try, say, red then blue. If this works write it down and try blue again. If this fails start over, but try a different color. You'll get there. Good luck.