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Author Topic:   D-Mod help.
Dinkamon posted 06-21- 09:40 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Dinkamon   Click Here to Email Dinkamon  
The Quest For Cheese:

I start up the D-mod, and I start in a square that has 2 roads leading to a castle, and I'm stuck in the castle wall!!! I did not edit the game in any way. Help?!

Dink Doppleganer:

I don't know what to do. I've meet the wizard and have 400 gold. I have the sword and mug. I can not pass the toll bridge, and the wizard just says he has not found a way to help me. Can someone else help?!

Treasure Island (Dink II):
I've goten the head, and I've talked to the girl to the point of putting the head into the machine withthe blue ball. I cheated some and found I was supposed to do a 'Simon Syas' type thing, but I can't figure out how. HELP?!

I love Dink (although the language could be better in some D-mods and the original) and am downloading all D-Mods. If I had the time, patience, and know how, I would make a D-Mod. But I don't. Thanx to those who do!

Gerben posted 06-22- 04:47 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
Quest for cheese doesn't work for me either. You can always try starting the dmod from a dos prompt. dink -game [Name of dmod dir]

Dink doppelganger
Mmmm, still a long way to go.....
Have you talked to the shopkeeper ? he wants a worm and a tooth. You get 100 each for these. 400 + 100 + 100 = 600 :-)
You need to find the disk. It's under one of the poles on the long bridge to the south. Just push them all to find the right one.

Two more tips, 'cause I couldn't solve them. The bridge keeper wants a fish also. Get it from a well end fry it in a fire. He will give you the net to catch the wurm.

Use one of the disks on the back of one of the spaceships to get a music box to give to the captain.

You'll figure out what I mean when you get there.

Treasure Island.
If you put the head in the machine, they should start to glow when you push or use them. Now you have to make them light up in a special order.

I can't remember which one. Just try, say, red then blue. If this works write it down and try blue again. If this fails start over, but try a different color. You'll get there. Good luck.

DMOD Guy posted 06-22- 07:09 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy  Click Here to Email DMOD Guy     
There are only about 2 or 3 scripsts you need to know to make an interesting dmod and if you give me your e-mail adress i would gladly tell you all you need to know.
Dinkamon posted 06-22- 10:16 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Dinkamon  Click Here to Email Dinkamon     
Cool. I might try to make one if I had the time...

I re-installed Cheese again, and it works. I might not pay it much, cause I can't get fish and I have to get 50 defense to get across the spikes....

Where would you get the tooth and worm?

I've downloaded almost all the d-mods. Dinkzilla is hilarious, and Dinkazoid is kinda fast. I have about 9 more to try. Some (The Forever series and Odyssey) are kinda dumb....

Oh well. I'll try them.

tim333 posted 06-25- 01:56 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for tim333  Click Here to Email tim333     
I wrote the forever series and oddysey.
I guess im kinda dumb too.



Gerben posted 06-28- 05:11 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
The tooth and worm can be found by entering the main space ship. It's the weird looking roof thing in the middle of town. A doorway opens up when you're ready to enter.

Tim333 I haven't tried your dmods, but I'm sure they are great ! Does this help ? Anyway, just let Dinkamon try making his own Dmod first, before he starts critisizing.

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