posted 06-20- 12:28 PM CT (US) Guys, one more do i make Dink a monster or a knight or a different person?? like it says i could make him a frog if i wanted to, but how?
posted 06-21- 02:25 PM CT (US)
Physically change the graphics in that set. there might be a way to set the base walk/attack/idle/push sequences for dink to a different set. In fact, I'm pretty sure you can do that. To change him to a frog, you'd have to design the graphic frames for a frog.
posted 06-22- 04:23 AM CT (US)
I did a lot of this in POTA, but this is basically all you have to do to change it.
push_active(0); // disallow pushing (unless you have sequences for that too) sp_base_idle(1, 760); // set base idle to something else sp_base_walk(1, 760); // set base walk to something else sp_base_death(1, 551); // set death sequence to something else sp_base_attack(1, 750); // set base attack to something else draw_status(); // redraw dink (probably not necessary unless dink is frozen at the moment)