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  add_exp not working

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Author Topic:   add_exp not working
irotsoma posted 06-18- 03:08 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for irotsoma   Click Here to Email irotsoma  
Okay just one more question. I'm trying to add experience after dink finishes a quest. I used the add_exp(100,&exp_getter); where exp_getter is a variable holding the sprite number of the person he's getting the experience from. I've also tried putting in 1 and ¤t_sprite in place of &exp_getter and it just doesn't do anything. One time it actually worked, but when I loaded and tried it again it never worked again. I didn't change anything it just worked for some strange reason. Any ideas? Also, is there any other way to give dink experience without having to kill a sprite? Thanks.
Nexis posted 06-19- 02:05 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Nexis  Click Here to Email Nexis     
I don't think add_exp() kills the sprite so you can probably just use it anytime you want assuming you get it working of course.

My guess is your script probably has an error in it although I can't say without looking at it. Using 1 in place of &exp_getter should work in any case though.

Gerben posted 06-19- 06:28 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
Uhm, I've little knowledge of programming, but what is wrong with:
&experience += 100;
irotsoma posted 06-19- 10:28 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for irotsoma  Click Here to Email irotsoma     
I've tried it with add_exp(100,1); and I've tried &exp += 100; and niether had any effect. Any other ideas or does anyone know why they don't work. I've even tried making an object and putting only add_exp(100,1); in the talk script. There is nothing else in the entire script except that and it still won't work.
Gerben posted 06-22- 04:33 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
If I put this at the end or in the middle of something like a conversation, it works fine for me.... I can't see why it doesn't work for you... &exp += 1000;

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