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Author Topic:   Scripting Help
DMOD Guy posted 06-13- 01:47 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy   Click Here to Email DMOD Guy  
I have a few questions on scripting

1:How do you make guys sit there and chat in the backround like in the coffe house in the original dink?

2:How do you make something open at a specified time like after you talk to a certain guy?

3:How do you make music for your start screen and how do you make an intro?

Please answer these questions, witout them my dmod is dink talking to townspeople and buying a sword.

Gerben posted 06-13- 05:11 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
I use the original dink.c scripts. You can find them in the develop\ file just copy the .c script you need to your story directory. First you have to check out which script Seth used. In the bar he attached the s2-bar.c script. If you look at this script it's pretty complicated, but I guess if you just change things and see what happens you should get there in the end. To make someone speak at random, you could use a script that looks a bit like this:
myrand = random(37, 1);

if (&myrand == 1)
say_stop_npc("`4Woman, serve those men!", &temphold);

if (&myrand == 2)
say_stop_npc("`4Get to work you stupid wench!", &temphold);

For help on the other things check out how other people have done it. Dink's doppelganger has a pretty neat intro, try and find out how he has done it. Good luck !

DMOD Guy posted 06-13- 02:56 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy  Click Here to Email DMOD Guy     

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