Prowler Productions
Dink Smallwood Forum How do I make a different entrance screen? |
Author | Topic: How do I make a different entrance screen? |
JavaKing |
posted 06-07- 10:08 AM CT (US)
Right after the loading screen when I go to play my DMOD The screen with the "Start" "Continue" and "Quit".I want to change those images like mike did in Dink Doppleganger...or however u spell it!...thanx |
Wyndo |
posted 06-07- 10:31 AM CT (US)
www.prowler-pro.com/dmods/ -- scroll down on the left-hand side and you'll see a link to download a skeleton (version "b") zip file. Use this as your starting point. It explains how to use and edit a "title screen" image. |
JavaKing |
posted 06-07- 11:53 AM CT (US)
Thanks for replying so quick Wyndo... I'm just started doing this...I'm working on a DMOD where Dink has to break up the war between The Pirates and the Northern Trading Company. It is set in Port Town. I was so mad that Seth didn't include Port Town in his so I thought I would do it. Thanx again. :-) |
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