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  How do I start to build my own scripts? I know too little about C programing...

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Author Topic:   How do I start to build my own scripts? I know too little about C programing...
Soundwalker posted 06-01- 09:40 AM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Soundwalker   Click Here to Email Soundwalker  
I´m building a DMOD at home, The Castle of Time. I can set warps and I can build an entire "scenario" for my game. (Nothing as good as Seth can do, but I´m impressed with what I got). My problem is with the brain scripts. How do I start to build one of my own? For example: I wanna make an old man who is supposed to give a sword to Dink, but only when Dink get him an supposed item or answer some kind of question... Can anybody help me?
dark wolf shadow hunter posted 06-01- 01:35 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for dark wolf shadow hunter  Click Here to Email dark wolf shadow hunter     
OK i dont know nething about the actual syntax but i do know how to make a script, you just have to make a new text file and save it as *.c (* being whatever you wanna name it) then you just open it and edit it and attach it to your sprite. you might wanna read over dinkc.txt that comes w/ the game and a few of the cool tutorials you can find at The Dink Network then if you're still having trouble with a certain command post back here


Soundwalker posted 06-02- 10:27 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Soundwalker  Click Here to Email Soundwalker     
I know how to attach scripts for the sprites. It's just a little hard for me to make my own script, cause there are some "loops" that I don't understand yet. I still don't know how to build that multiple choice menu, neither to make scripts that do another thing besides attack Dink.
Any help is worthy for me.
dark wolf shadow hunter posted 06-02- 11:04 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for dark wolf shadow hunter  Click Here to Email dark wolf shadow hunter     
just read source... i im pretty sure a multiple choice list looks something like this:

"option one"
"option two"
"option three"

if (&result == 1)
stuff for option one goes here

if (&result == 2)
stuff for option two goes here

and so on

PLZ note i suck with it and it's probabally better to ask someone better experienced but I THINK that's how it goes, i'd also like someone more experienced to tell me if that's wrong

FF4LIFE posted 06-04- 12:26 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
What it sounds like you need is globals. Go into the MAIN.C file and scroll to the bottom where all the globals are. Copy the make_global_int("&s2-map", 0); and paste it right under it. Then change the &s2-map to something else, like the item you need to get. Then in the game when you get the item, you can set the global to 1 by putting in &item = 1; When you talk to the man, put this

if (&item == 0)
say("You don't have the item, Dink.", ¤t_sprite);
if (&item == 1)
say("Wow! You've got the item!", ¤t_sprite);

DMOD Guy posted 06-14- 12:25 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy  Click Here to Email DMOD Guy     
I have a problem similar to that, would (&talk == Script name) work the same as (&item == 0)?

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