Prowler Productions
Dink Smallwood Forum How do I start to build my own scripts? I know too little about C programing... |
Author | Topic: How do I start to build my own scripts? I know too little about C programing... |
Soundwalker |
posted 06-01- 09:40 AM CT (US)
I´m building a DMOD at home, The Castle of Time. I can set warps and I can build an entire "scenario" for my game. (Nothing as good as Seth can do, but I´m impressed with what I got). My problem is with the brain scripts. How do I start to build one of my own? For example: I wanna make an old man who is supposed to give a sword to Dink, but only when Dink get him an supposed item or answer some kind of question... Can anybody help me? |
dark wolf shadow hunter |
posted 06-01- 01:35 PM CT (US)
OK i dont know nething about the actual syntax but i do know how to make a script, you just have to make a new text file and save it as *.c (* being whatever you wanna name it) then you just open it and edit it and attach it to your sprite. you might wanna read over dinkc.txt that comes w/ the game and a few of the cool tutorials you can find at The Dink Network then if you're still having trouble with a certain command post back here -=Dark)^(olf=- |
Soundwalker |
posted 06-02- 10:27 PM CT (US)
I know how to attach scripts for the sprites. It's just a little hard for me to make my own script, cause there are some "loops" that I don't understand yet. I still don't know how to build that multiple choice menu, neither to make scripts that do another thing besides attack Dink. Any help is worthy for me. |
dark wolf shadow hunter |
posted 06-02- 11:04 PM CT (US)
just read source... i im pretty sure a multiple choice list looks something like this: freeze(1); if (&result == 1) if (&result == 2) PLZ note i suck with it and it's probabally better to ask someone better experienced but I THINK that's how it goes, i'd also like someone more experienced to tell me if that's wrong |
posted 06-04- 12:26 AM CT (US)
What it sounds like you need is globals. Go into the MAIN.C file and scroll to the bottom where all the globals are. Copy the make_global_int("&s2-map", 0); and paste it right under it. Then change the &s2-map to something else, like the item you need to get. Then in the game when you get the item, you can set the global to 1 by putting in &item = 1; When you talk to the man, put this if (&item == 0) |
DMOD Guy |
posted 06-14- 12:25 AM CT (US)
I have a problem similar to that, would (&talk == Script name) work the same as (&item == 0)? |
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