Topic: how do i type the add item\spells codes
Dinkmaster2000 |
posted 05-30- 05:57 PM CT (US)
how do i type in the add item\spells\ comands
posted 05-30- 08:39 PM CT (US)
Help please I can't figure it out!!!!!
posted 06-01- 10:37 AM CT (US)
Nobody has answered probably because nobody knows what you're asking. How do you type in spells? You just edit the appropriate .c file and enter the appropriate commands. Use the keyboard to type it in... see, your question is so generic that I doubt you'll get the answer you're looking for. |
posted 06-04- 12:33 AM CT (US)
add_item("item-axe",438, 10); This is one. What it means is add_item("Script name", animation #, # withing animation); (For what icon will show up for the item) |
posted 06-07- 10:38 AM CT (US)
LOL in other words, he wanted examples of code that adds items. It would be cool if people were specific. :) |