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  call me stupid, but, how do you get gold?

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Author Topic:   call me stupid, but, how do you get gold?
Arsonix posted 05-17- 10:51 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for Arsonix   Click Here to Email Arsonix  
I can't figure out how to get gold. I don't know if it is a glitch or anything but it is pissing me off.
Gerben posted 05-18- 06:54 AM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Gerben  Click Here to Email Gerben     
Are you making a Dmod ? Or are you playing the game ? I'll assume you are playing the original dink smallwood game and can't get past the guy on the bridge. Find the wizard in the woods NorthEast of the village. He will give you a quest and help you make some money.
DMOD Guy posted 05-25- 12:23 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy  Click Here to Email DMOD Guy     
After a while, you go into the forest to the far right(next to the water) and go up, if it says you cant go, wait longer, once you can go, go as far up as posible, then you see a cabin, dont brake the barrel yet. go iside and there is a wizard there, you scrue around with him for a while then he tells you to defeat a bonca in the cave, to do so, you go near the bridge and go as far up as possible, you will see a rock against the mountain, you can push it out of the way now that you have more streingth(you get it at the wizards house) and go inside, i recomend you save the big heart at the left untill you beat the bonca, go to the right to fight the bonca, after you do, you should get a level up, PUT IT INTO MAGIC. you go back to the wizards house and he is not there, so you read the letter on the table and it says he had to leave, if you put your level up into magic, you would be able to read this letter, if not you cant. after readint the leter, you get 200 gold and a fireball spell.

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