Topic: i'm so, so stuck!!!!
paloma |
posted 05-13- 12:47 AM CT (US)
i'm stuck in windsmere y can't get the cookie!!! y know were is the rock that have it but can't get it out of the rock.żdoes the arrow form by the rocks mean anything? please help!!!!
posted 05-15- 07:31 AM CT (US)
Uhm... what cookie ? I don't think you need a cookie. You probably want to feed the townspeople ? Buy a bomb, blow up the rock with the crack on it around the duck pen. Then kill ALL the ducks. |
posted 05-30- 05:59 PM CT (US)
(1) buy a bomb (2) place it by the rock with a crack (3) kill the ducks (4) watch the people eat the dead carcuses |