posted 05-09- 05:31 PM CT (US) i did the quest at the mine...and got into the forest behind the firery gates..i found the back yard with the dead dragon but there was no girls there...neither was mary...
posted 05-11- 09:11 AM CT (US)
Duhh. That is a hard one. The only thing I know is that after completing the quest, the rocks should be gone on the way to Whatchemacallit. To the west. I guess if the game didn't show you the girls worshipping the dragon and that Nelson guy, you're really stuck. Sorry. Only thing is to hope that the rocks have vanished as well. Good luck !
posted 05-11- 04:37 PM CT (US)
Make sure that you talk to the mother (the house west of the bar) and offer to save her child. Only after you do this will the children appear.
posted 05-30- 08:30 PM CT (US)
Talk to marys mother first offer to find her then go back to the forest and kill the girls and nelson then go to mary choose chat choice friend of the land or somthing that sounds like your saving her then you are a hero in teris