Topic: Ok, I really need an answer to my question
posted 05-07- 12:19 AM CT (US)
There probebly aren't a lot of people that can answer this question, but i'm going to ask it again. I have a sprite of a man, and when it gets to the edge of the screen i want the screen to SCROLL to the next screen, just like when you control dink to go off the screen. I would like to know if there is a command to make the screen shift or scroll to another screen. Thank you.
posted 05-07- 01:56 PM CT (US)
Try downloading the Skeleton_b dmod... Perhaps it can solve your problem. |
posted 05-07- 02:24 PM CT (US)
I have troubles with the Dink language too, but I'm starting to understand a little... |
posted 05-07- 05:36 PM CT (US)
What's the skeleton_b Dmod or whatever do?
posted 05-08- 11:57 AM CT (US)
It's a the 'skeleton' of a d-mod, it has everything you need to get started on a d-mod, empty map, etc.. |
posted 05-13- 12:42 AM CT (US)
I already have that. I have my DMod started, and its actually quite large. I just want a command to scroll between screens as a transition. If nobody knows I'll just E-mail Seth.