Topic: how do you get in the pen in kill the ducks
posted 05-02- 09:34 AM CT (US) can someone tell me how to get in the pen in kill the ducks in windermere please
posted 05-02- 04:19 PM CT (US)
Do you need to do that?
posted 05-04- 11:06 AM CT (US)
I'm not sure if you need to do that either, but you can find the walkthrough at .. (under Lost in Dink)
posted 05-14- 11:28 PM CT (US)
shoot na, you dont need 2 finish but its a pretty cool little sequence
get a bomb from across the road and blow one of the rocks on the top-right of the sanctuary.
i wont say what happens but that duck plaque pretty soon becomes a DINK plaque