Prowler Productions
Dink Smallwood Forum In wich order must I play d-mods? |
Author | Topic: In wich order must I play d-mods? |
Azreall |
posted 04-24- 05:06 AM CT (US)
There are SO many d-mods, and I'd really like to follow the story in the right way. In wich order should I play my d-mods? I've already checked the time-line but I'm still confused. |
Wyndo |
posted 04-24- 10:54 AM CT (US)
They're all pretty much self-contained stories, but they are usually made to fit some kind of master timeline (which I started but have turned over to the Dink Network). Try http://dinknet.virtualave.com to see the timeline. |
Wyndo |
posted 04-24- 10:55 AM CT (US)
Woops, make that http://dinknet.virtualave.net . |
Wyndo |
posted 04-24- 11:04 AM CT (US)
Oh, you said you already saw the timeline. Well, if you want to play them in order, play them in that order. Not sure why it's confusing. However, with the exception of D-Mods like my Quest for Arithia trilogy, the order isn't all that important. |
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