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Author Topic:   Script help
DMOD Guy posted 04-18- 07:28 PM CT (US)   Click Here to See the Profile for DMOD Guy   Click Here to Email DMOD Guy  
what do you type to have someone walk on the screen, talk a bit, then walk off?
FF4LIFE posted 04-25- 02:03 PM CT (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for FF4LIFE  Click Here to Email FF4LIFE     
I can't remember the exact script for everything, but it goes something like this.
place the sprite off the screen where you want it. Lets say its to the right, at x1000, y500. Then you tell it to move. If you want it to do nothing else when it moves, use the move_stop command. Also remember to give it a speed, and a base walk if you want it. A good example of this can be found somewhere in the story, just look for it. The script (attached to the sprite moving) should look something like this...

void main(void)
sp_speed(¤t_sprite, 3);
sp_base_walk(¤t_sprite, 250);
sp_brain(¤t_sprite, 6);

move_stop(¤t_sprite, 4, 250, 1);
\\The 4 is direction, like on a keypad
\\The 250 is the x quardinent it is going to
\\If you said 8 or 2 for dir, it would be the \\ y quardinent
\\I don't know what the 1 is for, but you \\ need it
say_stop("`5Hey Dink, I can move!", ¤t_sprite);
say_stop("Good for you, now leave!", 1);
say_stop("`5You're mean Dink!", ¤t_sprite);
move_stop(¤t_sprite, 2, 1000, 1);
say_stop("What a loser.", 1);

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