Topic: Trouble in map editor!!!!! help!!!
RayCast |
posted 04-17- 12:11 PM CT (US)
Okay this is kind weird, but it seems like when i start changing a single screen, it affects some of the others. Eg. i had a perfectly nice indoor area for a house i was building in another screen. I was changing some stuff in the outdoor part of the house and then switched to the indoor screen only to find that the screen had turned into an copy of the screen i was just editing, whats wrong!!!!!
posted 04-17- 12:47 PM CT (US)
Another thing i noticed is that (in the game mode) when i warp to the inside screen from the outside screen via the door, i get bumped into a screen that had nothing to do with the indoor screen, and is located direcly under the outdoor screen (in map mode). |
posted 04-17- 12:49 PM CT (US)
Alright, if the above question is to hard for you, then answer me this: What is the best way for me to build my map so i could avoid problems? |
posted 04-17- 03:24 PM CT (US)
1, you probably accidentally clicked on an unused space next to the indoor place and it coppied it. 3, look at your moniter |
posted 04-17- 04:32 PM CT (US)
I dont think so, because i was looking at a screen that I had worked on already, and it changed into a copy of the screen it was linked to by the door. |
posted 04-17- 06:18 PM CT (US)
Ah i got another clue for what might be going on. This is all happening within 6 screens one set of three are mimicing the other. Say if I was editing the on of the three screens, if i go to the srceen thats mimicing it, the SAME changes are made to it. This might be nice if i wanted it but..i dont... i want it to stop. |
posted 04-18- 04:32 PM CT (US)
Do you mean that if you place a tree and give it a script, you go back to another screen and place another tree and it also has the same script? That's supposed to happen. Or do you mean your screens are getting copied in full? If that's the case I'm not sure what to tell you. I never ever had anything like that happen to me unless I went to a blank space. |
posted 04-20- 02:35 PM CT (US)
so its a new problem? The screens are being copyed in full. maybe its a glitch in the editor. Ow well i guess im not using those screens. |