posted 04-05- 06:00 AM CT (US)
Thanks, Wyndo.I'm only using the main.c and start*.c files of Seth's so maybe it's a sequence thing.
I got fed up with the pigs, and decided instead of creating them in the script, to create them in the editor. This stopped the messages, so I have no idea what the trouble was.
I get this message on the next screen though:
Dink:MainSpriteDraw(): Could not draw sprite 5, pic 600.
Dink:Box_crap: 262 104 334 104, Box_real: 0 63 72 63
Seth's debug messages are somewhat esoteric, so perhaps someone understands them, but not me!
Thanks for the tip on the previous problem (62Meg map.dat). I'll try copying to a new map file, screen by screen. Was the compilation suggestion anywhere near the mark - I figured that only applied to scripts?