Topic: How do I store x, y, room, and direction?
NeonWaters |
posted 03-31- 03:47 PM CT (US)
OK here is the deal. I am warping dink to a place if he touches an item. This item is four sided and I have lots of them. I need to store the room, x and, y for his return. I also would like to store the direction dink was standing when he touched the item so I can use it to move him away from the item when I send him back.; to keep from having a loop. I just need to know what to tell it to store. Like: &my_spot_x = ? &my_spot_y = ? &my_room = ? &my_direction = ? I can always do it the long ways but maybe I wont have to. ~~NeonWaters~~
posted 04-01- 01:11 PM CT (US)
I thought it was sp_x, sp_y, and so forth. I'm positive that dinkc tells you what values you can check for these things, then just store them. Did you look through dinkc.txt already? |
posted 04-01- 02:17 PM CT (US)
Yeah. Make sure that these variables are global, tho. What you would do is this:&my_spot_x = sp_x(1,-1); &my_spot_y = sp_y(1,-1); &my_room = &player_map; &my_direction = sp_dir(1,-1); The -1 tells it to give the current value. You can do this with other commands too, like sp_speed(1,-1); to give Dink's current speed. |