posted 03-03- 06:34 PM CT (US) is there anyway to increase to palette size? I use 3D studio max for my graphics and 256 colors doesn't do them justice.
posted 03-05- 04:37 AM CT (US)
It can be done, I think you have to apply the pallet over splash.bmp, try if that works
posted 03-05- 02:51 PM CT (US)
I think Dink graphics were made with 3D studio max, so it should look ok. Wierd
posted 03-05- 02:53 PM CT (US)
oh, and it has to go over ts-01.bmp as well as splash.bmp (or maybe splash.bmp doesn't matter, I'm not sure). Remember, silencer figured that out, after he changing the pallete of splash.bmp didn't work for him?
posted 03-10- 05:58 PM CT (US)
npers niether worked... I just got a scrambled screen and lost my mouse.
posted 03-10- 06:59 PM CT (US)
hmmmmm, multi-colored dots allllll over the graphics and I have mouse back.... I think I may be getting somewhere......
posted 03-10- 07:29 PM CT (US)
What I'm trying to do is change the dink pallete into true color 32 bit.... or at least high color 16 bit.
posted 03-11- 09:55 PM CT (US)
You can't change the Dink pallette to anything higher than 256 colors. The engine itself doesn't support that.
However, there isn't much real need to do it anything. You can simply apply the Dink palette to your finished work. Design your stuff in "32-bit color" then reduce it to 256-color by applying the Dink palette. In PSP this works like a charm and the finished graphics look fine. You could even design your own 256-color palette by drawing something that contains most of the colors you plan on using (such as some random scene) then reduce it to 256-colors (without using a pre-made palette) and select to save the resulting palette out.
posted 07-30- 08:02 PM CT (US)
ummmmmm 256 kills almost everything I makes it blocky and blends out almost all shading