Topic: Help making doors.
posted 02-26- 08:25 PM CT (US)
To make a perfect door, you would need to split the houses in two, like they did in Dink. How can I do that?
posted 02-28- 06:05 PM CT (US)
Split the houses in 2? No... dunno what you're talking about but all you have to do is place a door and give it warp values (screen to warp to, and warp x/y. |
posted 03-01- 07:31 AM CT (US)
I think the FAQ has info on making doors, if I recall: |
posted 03-04- 12:48 AM CT (US)
Well, I looked on the Dink Edit they had for the map of Dink and the houses were split in two, making it so the doors would look good. Is there an easier way to make a door and a frame that looks good? |
posted 03-04- 07:57 PM CT (US)
Hmmmm.... do you mean that the door and the house are different sprites?? You just place the house, then place the door where you want the door to be and make it warping. The house isn't split up, it's just a doorless house that you can add a door too. |
posted 03-07- 06:43 PM CT (US)
Well, half of the doors I make look good, but ones facing east, I think, open without black behind them. I'll look into it. |