posted 02-02- 08:11 PM CT (US) Can someone clarify something for me about creating npc sprites. In the Dink game, Dink's mom is actually placed onto the map screen of Dink's house, whereas other npc's on other screens (i.e. barkeeps, old farts, barmaids, etc.) have create-sprite commands coded into the screen script.
Is there a rule or theory as to when you are supposed to use each method?
posted 02-04- 11:58 PM CT (US)
Create-sprite is normally for stuff like when you have to create a sprite inside a script... like if someone appears. It can also be used if you only want to create a sprite sometimes, or if you don't want to bother with sp() which is what you need to get a sprite number by using their editor number. Normally I just place stuff on the screen though, makes more sense when looking at the maps ;)
posted 02-05- 11:24 AM CT (US)
Create_sprite is also helpful when you want to control more then one sprite's movement on the screen. If you have a few goblins for instance and you want then to move around and talk; create_sprite is the easiest way to differentiate between them. You can have individual movement and talk sequences. A very helpful command.